
Tribuo Fund

SA's artists need your support!

By contributing to the Tribuo Fund, you are supporting artists and technicians across South Africa in these difficult and unprecedented times.

Please use your e-mail address as a reference when making a payment.

Banking details

Bank name

Standard Bank South Africa

Name of account holder

Tribuo Artist Disaster Relief Fund NP.


Business current account


270 245 251

Branch code (electronic payments)

051 001

Branch code and name

050 610 • Stellenbosch

Swift address


Tribuo Fund

Ons kunstenaars het jou nodig!

Deur 'n skenking te maak aan die Tribuo Fonds ondersteun jy Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars en tegniese personeel wat nie gedurende die Inperkingstydperk normaal met hulle werk kan voortgaan nie.

Gebuik asb. u e-posadres as verwysing wanneer u ‘n betaling maak.



Standard Bank Suid-Afrika

naam van rekeninghouer

Tribuo Artist Disaster Relief Fund NP.

Tipe rekening



270 245 251

takkode (elektroniese betalings)

051 001

takkode en naam

050 610 • Stellenbosch

Swift adres


Who administers the fund?
The Founding members (and organisations) of the Tribuo Fund donate their services entirely free of charge, with no expectation of remuneration from the fund.

What is the status of the fund?
The fund is registered as a non-profit organisation. 

Who may donate to the fund?
Anyone can donate to the Tribuo Fund, including individuals, corporate and philanthropic entities.

What is the minimum amount I have to donate?
There is no minimum amount. Every gift, irrespective of size, will contribute toward ensuring that a South African artist is better supported through these difficult times. 

Will my donation be eligible for tax benefits?
Yes.  All donations qualify for a Section 18A tax certificate (upon request).

What percent of my donation goes to the artists?
100% of the donation will go towards the artist.

If I have contributed to the fund, can I display the fund’s logo on my social media pages or annual report?

Can I donate to honour or remember someone?
Yes – please contact for more information.

Can I contribute to the fund on a monthly basis?
Yes – please contact for more information.

Will I have access to an annual report on the work of the fund and the way the money has been spent?

Wie bestuur die fonds?
Die Stigterslede (en organisasies) van die Tribuo Fonds skenk hul dienste heeltemal gratis, met geen verwagtinge van betaling deur die fonds nie.

Wat is die status van die fonds?
Die fonds is geregistreer as ‘n nie-winsgewende maatskappy.

Wie kan ‘n skenking maak aan die fonds?
Enigeen kan ‘n skenking maak, insluitend individue, korporatiewe en filantropiese entiteite.

Wat is die minimum bedrag wat ek moet skenk?
Daar is geen minimum bedrag van toepassing nie.  Elke skenking, ongeag die grootte, sal ‘n bydrae maak om te verseker dat ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaar ondersteun sal word tydens hierdie moeilike tye.

Sal my skenking kwalifiseer vir belastingvoordele?
Ja.  Alle donasies kwalifiseer vir ‘n Artikel 18A-belastingsertifikaat (op aanvraag).

Watter persentasie van my skenking sal aan die kunstenaar gaan?
100% van die donasie sal gaan aan die kunstenaar.

Indien ek ‘n bydrae tot die fonds maak, kan ek die fonds se logo op my sosiale media blaaie of my jaarverslag gebruik?

Kan ek ‘n skenking maak om iemand te vereer of in iemand se naam?
Ja – kontak asseblief die fondsbestuur by vir meer inligting.

Kan ek op ‘n maandelikse basis ‘n bydrae maak?
Ja – kontak asseblief die fondsbestuur by vir meer inligting.

Sal ek toegang kan verkry tot die jaarverslag van die fonds en die wyse waarop die fonds se geld spandeer is?

In supporting the Tribuo fund you are making a difference in the performing arts industry of South Africa.

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